San Marino, RSM 09:35 pm, Feb 22 8°C

San Marino and Lebanon Execute ICAO Art. 83bis Agreement


San Marino and Lebanon Execute Bilateral to Transfers of Safety Oversight over Middle East Airlines

In 1945, Middle East Airlines(MEA) was established and launched its first service from Beirut to the neighboring cities of Syria, Cyprus, Egypt then Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other destinations in the Gulf. In 1963, after the merger with Air Liban, MEA added new European, Middle Eastern and West African destinations to its worldwide network.

Now we are proud to announce the registration four(4) Airbus A320s under T7-. 

Under this bilateral ICAO contracting States are authorised to make bilateral transfers of safety oversight responsibilities related to the lease, charters, and interchange of aircraft. It gives States a basis and legal framework for entering into bilateral agreements transferring responsibilities. Bilateral agreements for transfers of oversight responsibilities are recognized by all ICAO signatory States.