San Marino, RSM 03:59 pm, Mar 14 13°C

Recent United States TSA Waiver Changes

Summary of Recent TSA Waiver Changes

The FAA has recently issued new NOTAMS FDC 5/6289, 5/5782, and 5/5806; pertaining to special security requirements for civil aircraft operations to/from, within, and transiting the territorial airspace of the United States. These supersede the formerly published NOTAMS FDC 3/2735, 3/2768, and 3/3013. Most notably eliminating the TSA/FAA Waiver requirement for foreign operators less than or equal to 100,309 lbs (45,500 Kgs) operating domestic flights within the USA.

FDC 5/6289 Special Security Instructions for Civil Aircraft Operations Within or Transiting the Territorial Airspace of the United States (U.S.)

Domestic flights WITHIN the USA:

  • Foreign registered aircraft less than or equal to 100,309 lbs (45,500 Kgs) are authorized to operate domestic flights within the USA without a TSA Waiver.