San Marino, RSM 02:43 pm, Mar 14 15°C

ICAO presents Council President Certificate to San Marino

ICAO HQ Montreal, 27 September 2016
During the opening ceremonies of its 39th Assembly today, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) presented 14 States from all ICAO regions with inaugural Council President Certificates.

The Certificates recognize the States™ significant progress in resolving safety oversight deficiencies and improving the effective implementation of ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices, as identified through the objective and transparent 2015 results determined through ICAO™s Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme.

Based on their achievements in 2015, The Republic of San Marino was recognized by the ICAO Council at this year ceremony.

These awards, established by the ICAO Council in support of our ongoing No Country Left Behind initiative, have been developed in order to more publicly acknowledge and encourage States™ commitments and progress in making our global network even safer than it is today, commented Council President Aliu.

The effective implementation of ICAO™ global Standards and Recommended Practices is considered a fundamental prerequisite today for establishing air transport™ rapid global connectivity, and in turn the many socio-economic benefits it helps to realize.

Source: ICAO