San Marino, RSM 04:06 am, Mar 26 9°C

Initial Certificate of Airworthiness

A Certificate of Airworthiness or Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness may be valid for a maximum period of;

  1. 12 months for an aircraft operating in accordance with CAR OPS 1/3;
  2. 24 months for an aircraft operating in accordance with CAR OPS 1/3, which has had the initial 12-month validity extended by an Airworthiness Review;
  3. 12 months for an aircraft operating under a foreign AOC;
  4. 12 months for aeroplanes below 5700 kg operating in accordance with CAR OPS 2A, Part I or helicopters below 3175 kg operating in accordance with CAR OPS 2H;
  5. 24 months for aerial work aircraft operating under CAR OPS 2A/H,
  6. 24 months for an aeroplane operating under CAR OPS 2A Part I and having a turbine engine  or CAR OPS 2A Part II or a helicopter above 3175 kg operating in accordance with CAR OPS 2H and the continuing airworthiness is managed by the owner/operator in accordance with CAR AIR;
  7. 24 months for an aircraft operating under CAR OPS 4; or
  8. 36 months for an aeroplane that has the continuing airworthiness managed by an approved CAR CAMO organisation;

An application for the initial issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness for an aircraft registered in San Marino can be made using FORM SM 02.

The CAP 08 | Certificate of Airworthiness is a guide for the person who will be presenting an aircraft and its associated records and documents to a CAA airworthiness inspector.

The person presenting the aircraft and its records would normally be the Nominated Airworthiness Coordinator or Postholder for Continuing Airworthiness, unless different arrangements are agreed in advance with the assigned CAA airworthiness inspector. This person is responsible, prior to the aircraft inspection, to perform their own inspection of the aircraft and its associated records and documents for ensuring they meet CAA standards and requirements.

The CAR 21 | Certification of Aircraft Subpart H details the requirements governing the airworthiness certification of an aircraft.

Reference Documents Document Doc Revision Rev


Application for the Issue of a C of A


CAP 08

Certificate of Airworthiness


CAR 21

Certification of Aircraft