San Marino, RSM 04:10 am, Mar 26 9°C

Continuing Airworthiness Management by a NAC working under the Quality System of accepted CAMOs

For aircraft operated under CAR OPS 2A/H or CAR OPS 4, the owner/operator of an aircraft, for which continuing airworthiness is managed by a SM CAA accepted continuing airworthiness management organisation (CAMO), shall still appoint a Nominated Airworthiness Coordinator (NAC) directly employed by the accepted CAMO.

Form SM 64A must be used during the initial CofA process in order to nominate the NAC, to which a CV, certificates, licences, etc. must be attached for acceptance. A change to the NAC must be notified to the CAA in advance using form SM 64, enclosing a CV, certificates, licences, etc. for acceptance by the CAA.

If a NAC is working under the Quality System of an accepted CAMO as defined in CAP 02 Section 21.1, the aircraft may qualify for a Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) valid for a period of 24 months instead of a standard 12 months CofA validity, but apart from that, all other responsibilities and processes are the same as explained above for a NAC.

This requires that the owner or operator to have contracted arrangements for continuing airworthiness management with a CAMO that holds an approval by the following NAAs with a minimum duration of 12 months and the national approval has within the Scope of Work an equivalent type of aircraft, acceptable to the CAA:

(a) EASA Part M Subpart G / Part CAMO, as approved by an EASA Member State
(b) CAR M Subpart G, as approved by the UAE GCAA
(c) CAR OPS 1 or CAR OPS 3 Maintenance System Approval, as approved by the San Marino CAA
(d) OTAR Part 39 Subpart E Continuing Airworthiness Management as approved by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI)
(e) OTAR Part 39 Subpart E Continuing Airworthiness Management as approved by the Bermuda Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA)
(f) UK CAA Part M Subpart G / Part CAMO, as approved by the UK CAA

A contract is required for the arrangement between the owner/operator with an accepted CAMO, except when the owner/operator has an in-house acceptable CAMO. A template for the contract required, can be found as an Appendix to Information Circular No. 5, citing the obligations of the owner/operator and CAMO.

For further details on the arrangements for continuing airworthiness management with an accepted CAMO, please refer to CAP 02 Section 21.1.

Reference Documents Document Doc Revision Rev

CAP 02

Airworthiness and Maintenance


Information Circular No. 05

Certificate of Airworthienss Periods of Validity


Appendix 1 to Information Circular No. 05

Continuing Airworthiness Management Agreement



Application for a Nominated Airworthiness Coordinator